A collection of thoughts about planning, building and enjoying a backyard trail network in central Vermont.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

snow = skiing!

We received a foot of new dry snow last week.  With the little 1-4" hardpack base on the north facing slope - it was just enough to ski!

We ran the tow after work during the tail end of the storm as well as the next day after the storm.  Bill came over with his brother and a few friends.  Theskiing wasn't exactly bottomless but it was pretty good!

On Sunday morning Kricky met up with Jay to take a few runs while Galen and I held down the fort.  The Keown's came over to check it out as well.  When I got over there for a few runs later Ray Harvey stopped by on his snow machine.  It was a fun time hanging out and skiing with the neighbors.

Jay and I made a few more signs after work last week.  I brought them over with me so we could hang them up.  Here is one for the safety shutoff switch.

Before I skied with Bill I added a safety switch with a little roof and sides as well as a clear plastic front to protect it from the rain and melting snow.  I discovered earlier that water around the switch can freeze up making the switch difficult to use.

We pretty much skied till the truck ran out of gas.  Considering the truck only had 4 gallons in the tank I was impressed at how long it lasted so far this season - it's also partly because we haven't had much snow to ski often.

As I was skinning back up the hill to hook the rope up (and ski home) I discovered a spot where the rope was wearing on the saftey shutoff wire.  Luckily it had only rubbed off the outer insulation of the telephone wire.  The outer metal sheathing was exposed but the actual pairs of wire were still protected.

I re-buried the wire in the snow (in a different location) so it wouldnt get any additional damage.  We'll definitely need to bury the wire in the dirt next year.

Here is a short video of the what it's like to ride up the tow.

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