My wife, Kricket, and I recently moved into our off-the-grid house that we built on Rochester Gap. It took us a couple years to construct as we did most of the work ourselves. It's not quite finished yet but it has those needed utilities. We moved in on xmas eve and a few weeks later our little guy, Galen, was born. I really enjoy being able to step out the door with Galen and go for a quick snowshoe or ski to get some fresh air.
We live on 50 acres of high elevation (around 2200 ft) land. We plan to take advantage of every square inch by building our own glades, ski trails and mtn bike trails. We also hope to do our own sugaring, gardening and maybe host the occasional farm animal.
I am looking to build a "toddler tow" exactly like yours. I have already acquired a small tractor and have envisioned it exactly like the one you built. I live in VT also. I have a few questions and wondered if you had an email address where I could email you direct about a few things. Thanks, Mike