With a large wire spool given to us by Ray & Cheryl (thanks guys!) we were able to wrap it up for the season. Jay rigged the spool so that it spinned nicey in his little ATV trailer. This was handy as we were able to drive it down the trail to the bottom if the hill.
Here is Ted and Jay getting help from Tappy.
It's definitely at least a 3 person job to get the rope down. It was a bit of a struggle at first. Since the rope had already broke in half we decided to just pull one end down. Next year we'll have to get extra help as we'll be pulling double rope. Here is Jay guiding the rope onto the spool.
There is a rope coming down..
Ted & Jay.
I also stopped by the Vermont Technical College (VTC) ski tow to see what they use for their drive wheel. They not only have a larger drive wheel with a chain gearing setup but a pretty clever way to create grooves for the rope. We still haven't found a bigger drive wheel yet (from old cable wheels) but this might be a good solution if need be.
Galen has been spending a lot of time walking around on the nordic and mtn bike trails near the house. Here he is telling Tappy which way to go.